100 Truth or Dare Questions (2024)

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Posted by Sarah Pryor

100 Truth or Dare Questions (1)

Truth or Dare is a classic party game for good reason: it gets everyone's adrenaline pumping while helping players learn more about one another. And it often leads to stories everyone will be repeating for years.

For the uninitiated, Truth or Dare involves players choosing whether to tell the truth — total honesty is a must here — or do a "dare" of another player's choosing. It's a simple concept that everyone can catch onto quickly.

It might be a good idea to lay some simple ground rules for your game: nothing that will endanger players' health, safety, employment or relationships should be allowed. Other than that, have fun!Ready to play? Here are 100 Truth or Dare questions for all ages:

Truth questions

Don't be fooled into thinking "Truth" is the safe option out of the two choices in this game. Some questions could be embarrassing, revealing and downright hilarious. The only rule is that you have to be completely honest.

  1. What is a weird food that you love?
  2. What terrible movie or show is your guilty pleasure?
  3. What was your biggest childhood fear?
  4. What is the first letter of your crush's name?
  5. What is the worst grade you received for a class in school/college?
  6. What is the biggest lie you've ever told?
  7. Have you ever accidentally hit something (or someone!) with your car?
  8. Have you ever broken an expensive item?
  9. What is one thing you'd change about your appearance if you could?
  10. If you suddenly had a million dollars, how would you spend it?
  11. Who is the best teacher you've ever had and why?
  12. What is the worst food you've ever tasted?
  13. What is the weirdest way you've met someone you now consider a close friend?
  14. What is the most embarrassing thing you've posted on social media?
  15. Who was your first celebrity crush?
  16. Have you ever revealed a friend's secret to someone else?
  17. How many kids do you want to have one day (or how many did you want to have growing up)?
  18. If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  19. What is a secret you had as a child that you never told your parents?
  20. What is your favorite book of all time?
  21. What is the last text message you sent your best friend?
  22. What is something you would do if you knew there were no consequences?
  23. What is the worst physical pain you've ever been in?
  24. Personality-wise, are you more like your mom or your dad?
  25. When is the last time you apologized (and what did you do)?
  26. Have you ever reported someone for doing something wrong (either to the police or at work/school)?
  27. If your house caught on fire and you could only save three things (besides people), what would they be?
  28. If you could pick one other player to take with you to a deserted island, who would it be?
  29. What sport or hobby do you wish you would've picked up as a child?
  30. Have you ever stolen anything?

Sample Sign Ups

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  1. Have you ever been kicked out of a store, restaurant, bar, event, etc.?
  2. What is the worst date you've ever had?
  3. What is the weirdest thing you've ever done in public?
  4. What is the last excuse you used to cancel plans?
  5. What is the biggest mistake you've ever made at school or work?
  6. Which player would survive the longest in a horror/apocalypse movie, and who would be the first one to die?
  7. What is the dirtiest room/area of your house?
  8. Which of your family members annoys you the most?
  9. When is the last time you cried?
  10. When is the last time you made someone else cry?
  11. What is the longest you've ever gone without showering?
  12. What is the worst date you've ever been on?
  13. When is the last time you did something technically illegal?
  14. If you could pick anyone in the world to be president, who would you choose?
  15. How many times do you wear your jeans before you wash them?
  16. Do you pee in pools?
  17. If someone went through your closet, what is the weirdest thing they'd find?
  18. Have you ever lied about your age?
  19. Besides your phone, what's the one item in your house you couldn't live without?
  20. What is the biggest fight you've ever been in with a friend?

Invite friends to RSVP for an evening around the fire pit.View an Example

Dare questions

Remember earlier when we said no endangering people's lives, employment or relationships? Safety is the name of the game with the "Dare" category, but you can still have plenty of cringe-worthy fun.

  1. Read the last text message you sent out loud.
  2. Show the weirdest item you have in your purse/pockets.
  3. Call the first person in your contacts list and sing them "Happy Birthday."
  4. Do your best impression of a fish out of water.
  5. Give another player your phone and let them send a social media DM to anyone they want.
  6. Do as many push-ups as you can in one minute.
  7. Give a one-word "roast" to each other player.
  8. Speak in an Australian accent until your next turn.
  9. Let another player tickle you but don't laugh!
  10. Spin in a swivel chair for 30 seconds and then try to walk a straight line.
  11. Go outside and sing "You are My Sunshine" at full volume.
  12. Let another player draw a tattoo on your arm in permanent marker.
  13. Hold the plank position until it's your turn again.
  14. Tell each player who you think their celebrity look alike is.
  15. Show off your best dance moves for the full duration of a song.
  16. Narrate the game in a newscaster voice for three turns.
  17. Walk next door with a measuring cup and ask for a cup of sugar.
  18. Switch clothes with another player for the rest of the game.
  19. Put on a blindfold and touch each players' face until you can guess who each player is.
  20. Let another player pour a glass of water on your head.

Coordinate a birthday party with an online sign up.View an Example

  1. Give a shoulder rub to the player to your right (if they are comfortable).
  2. Attempt to juggle two or three items of the asker's choosing.
  3. Perform a dramatic version of a monologue from a favorite TV show or movie.
  4. Show the most embarrassing photo on your phone.
  5. Comment a fire emoji on the first five pictures on your Instagram feed.
  6. Do an impression of another player until your next turn.
  7. Try to drink a glass of water without using your hands.
  8. Allow the other players to blindfold you and try to guess three food items from the pantry just by smell.
  9. Do your best interpretive dance/gymnastics floor routine.
  10. Go outside and do your best wolf howl at the moon.
  11. Post an unflattering selfie to your favorite social media account.
  12. Talk and act like a celebrity until the group can guess who you are (this could go multiple turns!)
  13. If you have to get up for the rest of the game, no walking allowed. You can crawl on all fours, roll, somersault, hop on one foot etc., but no walking!
  14. Remove your socks with your teeth.
  15. Go outside and pretend to mow grass with an invisible mower — sounds and all.
  16. Act out a commercial for a product chosen by the other players.
  17. Sing instead of speaking any time you talk for three turns.
  18. Make a silly face and keep it that way until someone in the group laughs.
  19. Do a freestyle rap about the other players for one minute.
  20. Show the group your internet search history.
  21. Let another player style your hair and leave it that way for the rest of the game.
  22. Video chat the person of your choice but pick your nose through the entire conversation.
  23. Put your shoes on the wrong feet and keep them there for the rest of the game.
  24. Call a random acquaintance and tell them you want to break up.
  25. Let the other players pose you and remain in that position until your next turn.
  26. Allow someone else in the group to blindfold you and feed you one item out of the fridge.
  27. Lead the group in a mini yoga class for one minute.
  28. How old are you? Whatever your age is, do that many squats.
  29. Perform a dance routine to a boy band song of the group's choice.
  30. Let another player draw a washable marker mustache on you.

Whether you're ready to tell the truth or do an outrageous dare, this list guarantees laughter, introspection and memories for years to come.

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100 Truth or Dare Questions (2024)


What are the 100 truth questions? ›

Top 100 Truth Or Dare Questions For Couples
  • What do you love most about my body?
  • What's your biggest fear about our relationship?
  • What did you think when you first met me?
  • What's one of the best thing you ever got away with?
  • In hindsight, what's the weirdest thing you've ever said to or thought about someone?

What are 10 good truth questions? ›

Truth or Dare Questions: Truths
  • What's your biggest fear?
  • What's the strangest thing you've ever eaten?
  • Who was your first celebrity crush?
  • What's your biggest insecurity?
  • What's your worst habit?
  • Have you ever lied to get out of a bad date?
  • Have you ever had an imaginary friend?
May 16, 2024

What are some juicy truth questions? ›

Best Truth Questions for Friends
  • If you could be invisible for a day, what's the first thing you would do?
  • What's the biggest secret you've kept from your parents?
  • What's the most embarrassing music you listen to?
  • What's one thing you love most about yourself?
  • Who is your secret crush?
Jun 9, 2023

What is 21 truth or dare? ›

Once your group is seated in a circle, select a person to start the game. Count to 21 as a group. As a group, players take turns counting one, two, or three numbers in sequence from 1 to 21. The player that has to say “21,” loses the round and has to tell a truth, complete a dare, or answer a situational question.

What are 21 juicy questions? ›

Best juicy questions for the 21 questions game
  • Where is your favourite place to be kissed?
  • And where is your favourite place to kiss someone?
  • Have you ever sent a nude photograph?
  • Have you ever received a nude photograph from someone else?
  • What attracts you to someone else?
  • What do you wear to bed?
May 16, 2024

What are the 21 truth questions? ›

Best truth questions
  • When was the last time you lied?
  • When was the last time you cried?
  • What's your biggest fear?
  • What's your biggest fantasy?
  • Who's the last person you searched on Instagram?
  • What's the strangest thing you've ever eaten?
  • What's your relationship dealbreaker?
  • What's a secret you've never told anyone?
May 24, 2024

What's a deep truth question? ›

Best truth questions. When was the last time you lied? What's the worst thing you've ever done at work? When was the last time you cried?

Dare to ask a girl? ›

Lighten up the mood by asking her to do something silly.
  • Kiss my feet.
  • Send me your most embarrassing photo.
  • Do your best impression of me.
  • Let me tickle you for one minute.
  • Dance for 2 minutes without any music.
  • Let me change your profile photo for one week.
  • Pretend to be my pet for the next 10 minutes.

Dare truth questions for adults? ›

Weird Truth or Dare Questions
  • Truths: What's the weirdest place you've peed? Have you ever peed in the shower? What's the strangest meal you've ever made? What's your favorite gross food combination? ...
  • Dares: Smell everyone's armpits and rank them from worst to best. Eat a banana peel. Kiss a pillow like it's your crush.

What to ask someone juicy? ›

Juicy Questions To Ask Your Partner
  • What's the craziest thing you've ever done?
  • What's something you've always wanted to try but haven't yet?
  • Have you ever had a one-night stand? ...
  • What's your favorite part of my body?
  • What's the most romantic thing you've ever done for someone?
  • What's your opinion on open relationships?
Apr 17, 2023

What are juicy yes or no questions? ›

Tricky yes or no questions
  • Would you betray a friend for a million dollars?
  • Would you sacrifice a loved one to save a dozen strangers?
  • If given the opportunity, would you live your entire life over?
  • Do you believe in an afterlife?
  • If you could know what other people really thought of you, would you want to know?
Sep 27, 2022

Dare questions for crush? ›

Sexy Dares to Text Your Crush
  • I dare you to send me a thirst trap right now.
  • Send me a sexy audio message.
  • Using only emojis, tell me what you want to do with me.
  • I dare you to write a haiku about me and read it out loud.
  • Show me your last Google (or Instagram) search.
  • Order a sex toy for us to try in person.
Jul 24, 2023

Is Truth or Dare ok for 13 year olds? ›

This is an adult movie, not even a teen movie. There is just a lot of sex, use of bad language, violence, drugs, drinking, smoking, and meaningless stuff.

Dare to give to boyfriend? ›

Give your partner a lap dance. Write down a part of your body and let them tell you what they want to do to it. Go through your contacts list and send an embarrassing text to your lover's friend or family. Climb a tree in the middle of a busy street.

Who is most likely to 100 questions? ›

Who is...
  • Most likely to say something stupid on a first date?
  • Most likely to own the most pets?
  • Most likely to lose their phone on a night out?
  • Most likely to stack it on a night out?
  • Most likely to snore so badly their partner sleeps on the sofa?
  • Most likely to have used fake I.D. to buy booze?

What are the famous 36 questions? ›

The 36 Questions: A Breakdown
  • Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?
  • Would you like to be famous? ...
  • Before making a telephone call, do you ever rehearse what you are going to say? ...
  • What would constitute a "perfect" day for you?
  • When did you last sing to yourself?
Feb 12, 2024

What are the 6 universal questions? ›

In this 2½-hour presentation, I lay out answers to the “six universal questions” about the Book: who, what, when, where, why, and how.


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Author: Neely Ledner

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Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.