Dropbox Business reviews (2024)

Helpt Nederlandse bedrijven al 15 jaar
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Helpt Nederlandse bedrijven al 15 jaar
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Dropbox Business reviews (3)

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Over Dropbox Business

Dropbox Business is de veilige oplossing voor het delen en opslaan van bestanden – geliefd bij werknemers en vertrouwd door IT-beheerders. Ga vandaag nog gratis aan de slag!

Meer informatie over Dropbox Business


Dropbox is super convenient, offering a great mobile iOS app, integration into Microsoft Surface/tablet, and the standard desktop integration. We use Dropbox on both PC & Mac OS seamlessly.


Looking for a passive aggressive way to make someone miserable, Dropbox is the tool for you.

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Dropbox Business heeft een totaalscore van 4,5 van 5 sterren op basis van 21.567 gebruikersreviews op Capterra.

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Dropbox Business reviews (4)



Geverifieerde LinkedIn-gebruiker

Farmaceutica, 2-10 werknemers

Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar

Bron van de reviewer

Favorable but needs improvement

3,02 jaar geleden

Bijschriften in het Nederlands beschikbaar in de videospeler


Tekenaar in Nederland

Architectuur en planning, 2-10 werknemers

Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 1+ jaar

Bron van de reviewer

Review dropbox

5,0vorig jaar

Opmerkingen:Helemaal tevreden over dit programma en raad het zeker andere ook aan


Top programma! Zeer fijn en makkelijk in gebruik echt ideaal


Voor meer opslag moet er meer betaald worden. Enige wat ik jammer vind

Geverifieerde reviewer

Geverifieerde LinkedIn-gebruiker

E-learning, Zelfstandig ondernemer

Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar

Bron van de reviewer


5,02 jaar geleden

Opmerkingen:Voornamelijk wordt Dropbox Business gebruikt om al mijn belangrijke documenten op te slaan en deze toegankelijk kan maken vanaf waar ik het graag wil. Het mooie aan zo'n service is dat het centraal staat en toegankelijk is zolang je internet hebt!


Het product is zeer gemakkelijk te gebruiken en het valt te koppelen met meerdere apparaten wat het toegankelijk maakt.


Deze heb ik niet omdat ik er zelf geen problemen mee heb gehad tot nu toe!

Horeca, 5.001-10.000 werknemers

Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar

Bron van de reviewer

zo blij mee

5,02 jaar geleden

Opmerkingen:Top bedrijf


snel kan alles delen met meerdere collega's we kunnen ook evt nog van uit huis werken en het bij werken


je werkt snel thuis veder das wel iets minder


HR medewerker in Nederland

Burgerlijke en maatschappelijke organisatie, 501-1.000 werknemers

Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar

Bron van de reviewer

Dropbox review!!

5,0vorig jaar


Het is overduidelijk en makkelijk in gebruik. Beveiliging is ook top in orde.


Tot zover geen nadelen aan deze fijne software.


calculator in Nederland

Bouw, 201-500 werknemers

Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar

Bron van de reviewer

Dropbox puur gebruikdsgemak.

4,0vorig jaar

Opmerkingen:Het werk heerlijk ik ben fan.


Werkt erg fijn en probleemloos doet wat het moet doen.


De prijs zou wat lager mogen zijn, maar ja dat maakt ook eigenlijk niet zoveel uit.


captain in Nederland

Industriële automatisering, 1.001-5.000 werknemers

Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 6-12 maanden

Bron van de reviewer

Goed product

4,0vorig jaar


Beste punten zijn dat het makkelijk is , ook dat je veel kan opslaan.


is niet van toepassing misschien taakbeheer


calculator in Nederland

Bouw, 201-500 werknemers

Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar

Bron van de reviewer

handige software voor bestandsdeling

4,0vorig jaar


dropbox is een relatief simpel te gebruiken tool om bestanden te delen binnen en buiten de organisatie. iedereen met rechten kan bestanden uploaden en delen zodat alle partijen over de laatste documenten beschikken


soms is het even zoeken als er nieuwe documenten zijn geüpload.


Student in België

Publieke zaken, 1.001-5.000 werknemers

Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 1-5 maanden

Bron van de reviewer

Goede sorftware

5,02 jaar geleden


Het is heel erg handig , kan heel goed dingen versturen


geen minpunten heb ik te melden, zo goed is deze app

Dropbox Business reviews (5)


Owner in VS

Geverifieerde LinkedIn-gebruiker

Bouw, 2-10 werknemers

Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 1+ jaar

Bron van de reviewer

Dropbox is Essential to our Business

5,02 maanden geledenNieuw

Opmerkingen:Overall we like Dropbox a LOT and use it every day. If I had the option I'd go back in time and have started using it earlier.


Dropbox for business is one of the most essential business services we use. To be honest we used the free version for many years, then upgraded several times until we got to where we are now. We are willing to pay for the cloud storage because it secures our data off site and allows us to access it out of the office. That doesn't seem like a big deal today but it wasn't always as easy as it is now.We basically use it as a file cabinet and keep about half our active files in it and use it as an archive for all our old files. It's accessed every single day and at this point we couldn't live without it.I highly recommend Dropbox for Businesses.


One of the main cons is that we are not able to have multiple people working on the same document at the same time like Google Drive. So we have pivoted and keep more of our PDF's and non living files in Dropbox.


Retail Manager in Qatar

Levensmiddelen- en drankenindustrie, 51-200 werknemers

Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 6-12 maanden

Bron van de reviewer

Dropbox For All Type of Business.

5,0vorige maandNieuw

Opmerkingen:It's a robust solution for businesses looking to streamline collaboration, enhance productivity, and securely manage their data in the cloud.


Offers powerful collaboration features, including file sharing, commenting, and real-time editing, which are essential for teams working on projects together.


Its a cloud-based service,internet connection is necessary for users to access and sync their files, which could be a limitation in areas with poor connectivity.

Geverifieerde reviewer

Geverifieerde LinkedIn-gebruiker

Vermogensbeheer, 2-10 werknemers

Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 1+ jaar

Bron van de reviewer

Eerder overwogen alternatieven:

Google Drive

Dropbox business medium bussines

3,02 maanden geledenNieuw

Opmerkingen:I had really had a good experience as a personal user but in the company when I implemented it the cost was very high so I had to reduce the users who really had access and who needed their information at hand.


I liked that we could store information from a computer and transfer it to a mobile phone without having to send emails and have the information from any computer linked to the user.


the cost of this platform per user was very expensive and if the user really used it for storage it could be profitable but if not it was too expensive to be an information channel.


Graphic Designer in VK

Marketing en reclame, 2-10 werknemers

Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar

Bron van de reviewer

Eerder overwogen alternatieven:

Amazon S3

Online File storage

5,03 maanden geleden

Opmerkingen:using it every day to store my design files makes it quick and easy and then I can access them from other locations if. i need to.


ease of deployment and the fact you can lock individuals out of sections/ files with access rights


cost per user is quite high, would like to see other package options for users and or storage cases - the tear storage is ok but does jump - a middle ground in both cost and storage would be good


Director of Operations in VK

Administratie, 11-50 werknemers

Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar

Bron van de reviewer

Couldn't function without it

5,02 maanden geledenNieuw

Opmerkingen:Great - we've never been let down. Would highly recommend


We are a team of 30 employees, and 50+ clients, and operate entirely paperless. We use Dropbox for all our document storage and file sharing, and would not be able to function without it! Syncs fast and tracks revisions


It takes a little while to figure out the best way of setting up "Groups" and "Teams" and sharing permissions. They have a lot of tutorials and assistance for this though.

Geverifieerde reviewer

Geverifieerde LinkedIn-gebruiker

Ziekenhuis- en gezondheidszorgbranche, 10.000+ werknemers

Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar

Bron van de reviewer

The first and most popular big file sharing app

5,07 dagen geledenNieuw

Opmerkingen:It is very good I love it and used it ever since forever.


Everyone is more familiar with this platform and trusts it already.


I don't like the transfer speed for big files.


Litigation Paralegal in VS

Juridische dienstverlening, 2-10 werknemers

Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar

Bron van de reviewer

Eerder overwogen alternatieven:

Google Drive

Dropbox in the legal Industry

4,02 maanden geledenNieuw


Storage, security and the ability to share files.


I have not had a bad experience using Dropbox, therefore I can't answer this question.


Design and Project Management in Canada

Bouw, 2-10 werknemers

Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 6-12 maanden

Bron van de reviewer

Peace of mind with Dropbox Business

4,0vorige maandNieuw

Opmerkingen:We are incredibly happy with Dropbox and the price at which we purchase secure cloud space.


For a small business, this is the exact secure storage system we were looking for. We have confidence that our files are being stored and can be easily accessed only by those who are privy to the information.


My only con is the lack of customization for storage when on the cloud. I would appreciate being able to create folders in a way that works for our business.

Geverifieerde reviewer

Geverifieerde LinkedIn-gebruiker

Internet, Zelfstandig ondernemer

Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 1+ jaar

Bron van de reviewer

Easy and fun program

4,0vorige maandNieuw

Opmerkingen:It is very useful for sharing files.Now it is starting to be used widely.


The program has a user-friendly interface . And save me Dropbox Business Feature endless hours of file version history


Sometimes there is a problem downloading files because the storage capacity is limited. Sometimes we did not find help from the customer support team

Geverifieerde reviewer

Geverifieerde LinkedIn-gebruiker

Financiële dienstverlening, 11-50 werknemers

Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 1+ jaar

Bron van de reviewer

dropbox review

5,02 maanden geledenNieuw

Opmerkingen:My experience has been good. It is trustworthy. I know my files are safe and it easy to share files


Dropbox is a very user friendly user friendly app which makes it easy to share files with customers in an easy and safe manner


there is nothing I don't like about it.


Manager in Indonesië

Schoolleiding, 2-10 werknemers

Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 6-12 maanden

Bron van de reviewer

Eerder overwogen alternatieven:

Google Drive

Expensive, yet you need it

5,04 jaar geleden

Opmerkingen:I like Dropbox for Business. It helps me a lot in:
- Sync files across device
- File sharing with my team
- Team work (for people who I require them to send me some file) , instead of sending hundreds of MB file via email (googleDrive), this Dropbox works better for me.
- with certain package, you have the option to only keep your file ONLINE. Very helpful for me, it saves my storage.


1. It's flexible, you can have it online, or offline.2. It's reliable. I've never experience system down.3. It works well across platform. I use it on my mobile, tablet and laptop. All works well. I've been using this app more than 5 years.


It's a bit expensive. The price you see now on their website is the new price. Before, they had the cheaper price. After several years using this service, they increased the price. However, they fairly added the features :) which is helpful. The downside is, you didn't have the options anymore to use the cheaper package with the less price.


Systems manager in VS

Entertainment, 2-10 werknemers

Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar

Bron van de reviewer

Eerder overwogen alternatieven:

Microsoft SharePoint


5,03 jaar geleden

Opmerkingen:Great product. I love it! Really expanded the Dropbox I love to use personally by Including a whole team


I’ve loved Dropbox and been using it for nearly 10 years. When our company was looking to get off of the old school server system Dropbox Business seemed like the natural choice especially because so many on the team had already used Dropbox personally. The amount of storage and options was super helpful for us and allowing us to get rid of remote access but still access our files was just what was needed.


It’s tough when employees have personal and business accounts. With people’s natural instinct to protect their own info it’s crucial for them to feel that they can use both accounts but toggling back and forth is not a feature that works well.


IT in Zambia

Computernetwerken, 11-50 werknemers

Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar

Bron van de reviewer

Eerder overwogen alternatieven:

Microsoft SharePoint

Storage for everybody!

5,03 jaar geleden

Opmerkingen:The use of Dropbox has removed the need for employees to cart and drop files from one computer to the next. The resources added for administrators help to secure and prevent unauthorized access to archives. This aids in keeping track of who has access to what and who does not. Not just that, but the cost of updating our servershasgreatly decreased. This is because 90 percent of company files have been moved to online storage, which is very efficient.


Dropbox has been a huge success. The tools allow us to manage our records more efficiently than an internal server. I appreciate being able to easily upload large files in a short period of time. Multiple people working on the same file used to be a pain; however, this strategy has proved to be a huge success for many of our company's teams.


There isn't anything to think about with Dropbox; the features and consistency are far superior to those of most cloud storage services. The only drawback I've seen is the mobile edition. When working with massive files, it is noticeably slower than the desktop version.

Dropbox Business reviews (12)


Manager in India

Geverifieerde LinkedIn-gebruiker

Ziekenhuis- en gezondheidszorgbranche, 5.001-10.000 werknemers

Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar

Bron van de reviewer

Straightforward and stress free cloud storage

5,03 jaar geleden

Opmerkingen:Dropbox has been a stellar performer when it comes to cloud storage. We have been using it for years as one of the most easy to use and easy to adapt tool for file sharing and storage solution. The added security features makes it the most preferred tool for sharing confidential data across collogues.


Easy adaptability, getting used to Dropbox is fairly easy considering everyone is already familiar with drop box user interface on mobile phones.New user onboarding is easier with drop box. Imagine some one new joins your department, it is fairly easy to send them the policies and guidelines through drop box rather than sending piles of hard copies.File protection is well taken care of with password protection, you can password protect confidential data while sharing it with your team members.Lost device protection is one of the most underrated feature of drobox business in my opinion. This enables the administrator to remotely wipe the confidential data from from devices that are lost from employees.Expiry date for a shared file. This is a handy feature wherein you can set a expiry date for a shared file.Dropbox Paper this is almost like a clean whiteboard where you can do a plethora of things like create a to-do lists, run meetings, and discuss new project ideas. Your collogues can add their comments and thoughts on the discussion thus making this a powerful collaboration tool. It is almost like having an online whiteboard for group discussion.Rewind tool can come handy if you accidently deleted something and or wants to restore files to previous versions.Dropbox also provides business customers with a suite of enterprise-specific team controls that ensure that data can only be accessed by the appropriate persons.


Honestly there are no deal breaking cons that I found with using drop box business for years but I think, the user interface needs a redesign. It feels ages old compared to competition.Synch with smartphones sometimes take a little fiddling with settings despite of having fast internet connection.

Dropbox Business reviews (13)


IT Admin in Grenada

Geverifieerde LinkedIn-gebruiker

Juridische dienstverlening, 11-50 werknemers

Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 1+ jaar

Bron van de reviewer

Eerder overwogen alternatieven:

Google Docs

Drobox for Business with e-sign is a great workflow for the digital era.

5,02 jaar geleden

Opmerkingen:A leader and continues to be. With new features it is a tool that small or medium size agencies can invest into for digital transformation.


This is a great package for those we can afford such. The additional add in for e-sign has made the dropbox stand out from day 1. It is simple to install and most time (90%) it does it thing and sync the file to the cloud.The ability to view file without having some pre-installed software is a great feature as compared to other tools that forces the users to have installed application to open or view files.We can have conversations about file, to put ideas into context, as compared to a track change, which is also fully available.As IT I now believe for the same fee the whole PC desktop and related files can be backedup with little hassle or intervention.My users loves the idea of taking a photo on a word mobile device and having this photo in their desktop without having to email or find alternative transfer means.


It is costing a bit for these services.Collaboration is challenging in low bandwidth environments. Two users will often complain that they are seeing two version of the document. Which is understandably annoying..


Owner in VS

Marketing en reclame, Zelfstandig ondernemer

Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar

Bron van de reviewer

Eerder overwogen alternatieven:


My personal experience using Dropbox

5,02 jaar geleden

Opmerkingen:Dropbox is a simple cloud-based capacity administration and an application for various frameworks, makes it conceivable to get to information from numerous stages.
Offering documents to others is straightforward and simple since it permits both outer and inside gatherings to add to an information record that traverses organizations.
Picking which documents to save locally is straightforward and which are just accessible on the web, and it incorporates consistently with our Windows PCs.
Document, picture, and video synchronizing happen naturally, so we don't need to stress over it what Dropbox simplifies it to do this.


Dropbox offers includes that will interest both the individual and business client. For business, incorporated devices, for example, Google Docs and Microsoft Word take into account liquid work process and joint effort. Dropbox's choice to coordinate Office 365 and Google Workspace was an astute move, and should give clients certainty that they can flawlessly relocate to the stage.Utilizing Google or Microsoft Office devices with Dropbox is basic. You can make new reports, share them with others and work together progressively, with alters reflected promptly across your group's Dropbox account.


Its very well may be more straightforward to switch between them either in the Dropbox OS application or inside the program.Security and authorizations: I've thought that it is hard to oversee consents around stowed away organizers and security ordered progressions. It's not difficult to impart something to somebody to similar consents, however I've encountered occurrences where two individuals (myself included) have various names for a similar envelope yet can't get to one another's documents, without clarification for why the authorizations are unique

"Kennedy" Marie

Attorney in VS

Geverifieerde LinkedIn-gebruiker

Juridische dienstverlening, Zelfstandig ondernemer

Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar

Bron van de reviewer

Bron: GetApp

Eerder overwogen alternatieven:


Best Document Management Software for Personal Use and Small Businesses

5,04 jaar geleden

Opmerkingen:Overall, this is an excellent product. I can't imagine using anything else for my small law firm and for my own personal document management needs.


There aren't many negative things to say about Dropbox. They dominate this corner of the market, and it shows. Businesses nowadays are all about integration and automation. Virtually all other noteworthy software integrates directly with Dropbox, making automation a breeze. Dropbox's integration with MS Office 365 Online now makes it possible to make edits to MS Word and Excel documents right from Dropbox. "Dropbox Transfer" allows you to share or transfer a large number of documents with others, right from Dropbox. And if you subscribe to the "Professional" level, you can "rewind" changes and deletions to folders and documents for 180 days.


Not really a Con, just wishful thinking on my part: Dropbox integrates with Adobe Sign, which is great. However, right now, there is no integration to Adobe Document Cloud, which would allow a user to do more with PDFs right from Dropbox. But it looks like they are headed in that direction soon.Also, I'm not crazy about the "per user" pricing structure, but that is how most services charge nowadays.I do wish that the "rewind" feature was available for the Business and Enterprise levels.

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Dropbox Business reviews (2024)


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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Views: 5948

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (58 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.