Explore Beginner-Friendly 3-Person Yoga Poses (2024)

Have you ever tried yoga with a friend? How about with two friends? Three-person, trio yoga is a fun and challenging way to deepen your practice while building trust and communication with others.

In this article, we will explore the benefits of 3 person yoga, the precautions to take before attempting it, and how to prepare for a successful session. We will also introduce you to beginner, intermediate, and advanced 3 person yoga poses to try with your partners. So grab a couple of friends, and let’s get started!

Key Takeaways:

  • Three-person yoga can be fun and challenging to deepen your practice and build trust with others.
  • The benefits of 3 person yoga include increased flexibility, strength, and mind-body connection.
  • Before attempting three-person yoga, warm up, communicate with your partners, and choose poses appropriate for your skill level.

What is 3-Person Yoga?

3-person yoga, also known as 3-way yoga or trio yoga, involves practicing yoga with two partners, typically including a base, a flyer, and a spotter, to create and maintain balanced and harmonious poses that require a combination of strength, flexibility, and coordination.

There are several variations of 3 Person Yoga, such as acro yoga, where the base supports the weight of the flyer using various poses and movements.

Conversely, the flyer focuses on maintaining balance and stability, while the spotter ensures safety and provides guidance. Effective communication is essential in 3 3-person yoga to ensure everyone’s safety and to execute poses seamlessly.

Participating in Three-Person Yoga improves physical strength, flexibility, and balance and enhances mental focus, trust, and connection with others.

It encourages teamwork and fosters community, making it a deeply enriching and rewarding practice.

What are the Benefits of 3-Person Yoga?

Explore Beginner-Friendly 3-Person Yoga Poses (1)

Engaging in 3 Person Yoga offers a myriad of benefits, including enhanced communication, improved balance, increased strength, heightened flexibility, better coordination, strengthened trust, and enhanced stability, fostering a deeper connection with your partners and leading to an overall sense of well-being.

These physical benefits are not the only advantages of 3 Person Yoga.

The practice also promotes mental relaxation, stress reduction, and emotional well-being.

As you synchronize your movements and breathing with two partners, you create a harmonious flow of energy, fostering a sense of unity and shared experience.

This can result in a profound sense of emotional connection and trust, which can positively impact your relationships both on and off the mat.

The collaborative nature of 3 Person Yoga encourages patience, empathy, and clear communication – all essential components of healthy and fulfilling relationships.

What are the Precautions to Take Before Attempting 3 Person Yoga?

Before engaging in Three-Person Yoga, certain precautions must be taken to ensure safety, such as assessing individual fitness levels, understanding each participant’s comfort zones, establishing clear communication signals, and having a trained instructor or spotter present to oversee the practice.

Participating in 3 Person Yoga requires a high level of trust and synchronization among the individuals involved. By having a trained instructor or spotter present, participants can feel more secure, knowing that there is someone with expertise overseeing the practice.

A thorough assessment of each participant’s fitness level is crucial in identifying any physical limitations or potential risks, allowing for modifications to be made to the poses if necessary. This can prevent unnecessary strain or injury during the practice.

Clear communication plays a vital role in 3 Person Yoga, as it ensures that everyone is on the same page regarding movements, adjustments, and any discomfort or concerns that may arise. Establishing communication signals beforehand can help facilitate a smooth and safe practice.

How to Prepare for 3 Person Yoga?

Preparation for 3 Person Yoga involves several key steps, including choosing compatible partners, warming up and stretching adequately, and establishing effective communication and trust among the participants to ensure a safe and rewarding practice session.

Partner selection is crucial in 3 Person Yoga, as the individuals need to have a good understanding of each other’s strengths and limitations. It’s important to select partners who are willing to communicate openly and have a shared commitment to safety.

Adequate warm-up exercises should be performed before starting the yoga session to prepare the body for the three-person poses. These exercises can include joint rotations, gentle stretches, and light cardiovascular activities.

Following the warm-up, the participants should engage in specific stretching routines designed to target the muscles that will be involved in the three-person poses. These stretches help in improving flexibility, reducing the risk of injuries, and enhancing the overall experience.

Trust-building activities, such as partner exercises and communication drills, are essential to create a supportive and harmonious environment.

Choose Your Partners Wisely

Explore Beginner-Friendly 3-Person Yoga Poses (2)

Selecting suitable partners for 3 Person Yoga is a crucial step that involves assessing compatibility, trust, and effective communication to ensure a harmonious and safe practice session.

When engaging in 3 Person Yoga, the choice of partners significantly impacts the overall experience. Compatibility among partners is essential for smooth coordination and fluidity in movements.

Trust is another cornerstone of partner selection, as it establishes a sense of security during challenging poses. Open communication fosters understanding, helping partners synchronize their breath and movements seamlessly. Without these essential criteria, the practice session may become strenuous and less enjoyable.

Warm Up and Stretch

Before engaging in 3 Person Yoga, it is imperative to engage in comprehensive warm-up routines and stretching exercises to prepare the body for the physical demands and challenges of the practice.

Begin with 5-10 minutes of light cardio such as brisk walking or gentle jogging to increase blood flow and raise the body’s core temperature. Follow this with dynamic stretches that focus on the major muscle groups, including leg swings, arm circles, and hip rotations.

Incorporate movements that target the spine, shoulders, and hips to promote flexibility and mobility, such as Cat-Cow stretches, shoulder rolls, and gentle twists. Transition to more specific yoga warm-up poses such as Sun Salutations or variations of Downward Facing Dog to lengthen and release tension in the muscles.

Pay attention to the breath and encourage deep, controlled inhalation and exhalation throughout the warm-up sequence to enhance relaxation and prepare the mind for the upcoming practice.

Communicate and Establish Trust

Effective communication and the establishment of trust among the participants are fundamental elements in 3 Person Yoga, as they contribute to a safe, harmonious, and rewarding practice experience.

Open communication enables the participants to express their needs, concerns, and limitations, fostering understanding and empathy among the group.

Trust-building activities, such as partner exercises and shared reflections, create an environment where individuals feel supported and valued. By engaging in honest and respectful interactions, participants can develop a deeper connection and enhance their ability to synchronize movements and breath during the practice. This collective trust enhances unity and contributes to a more profound and fulfilling 3 Person Yoga experience.

What are Some Beginner 3 Person Yoga Poses?

Beginner 3 Person Yoga poses are designed to introduce participants to basic acro yoga movements and coordination, focusing on building foundational strength, balance, and trust among the partners through accessible and engaging postures.

One popular 3 Person Yoga pose is the Triple Downward Dog. To perform this, one person starts in a traditional downward dog position while two partners stand on either side, facing each other, resting their hands on the first person’s lower back for support.

This pose not only stretches the shoulders and hamstrings but also encourages communication and awareness amongst participants.

Another great pose is the Supported Warrior III, where one participant is in the traditional Warrior III position while the other two provide support by holding their hands and creating a stable foundation.

This pose helps develop balance, trust, and stability, as well as strengthens the legs and core.

The Group Seated Forward Fold involves all three partners sitting in a line, leaning forward and supporting each other’s backs, promoting deep relaxation and fostering a sense of unity and coordination.

Triple Downward Dog

Triple Downward Dog is a fun yoga move in which you and two friends form a shape like a three-person mountain. Imagine three friends doing a cool teamwork yoga pose together.

Explore Beginner-Friendly 3-Person Yoga Poses (3)

Here’s how you do it:

Two friends start: They get into a Downward Dog pose. This looks like making an upside-down “V” with your body. Your hands are on the ground shoulder-wide, and your feet are apart like your hips are. Push your tummy up to the sky and make sure your arms and legs are strong.

Third friend joins in: This friend walks up to the first two and faces the other way. They put their hands on the ground, not too close but not too far from the first two friends’ hands.

The two starting friends: You guys walk your feet in closer so the third friend can gently put their feet up on your backs or shoulders. Make sure your hands are really strong and pressing into the ground.

Third friend: Try lifting one foot at a time, reaching your feet up to the sky. Try to make a straight line from your head down to your toes. Keep your tummy tight and try to balance.

Everyone should talk to each other to make sure you’re all feeling okay and steady. This way, you’ll all feel good and safe in the pose.

Triple Down Dog is not just fun; it’s like a superhero workout for you and your friends! Here’s why it’s awesome and some cool ways to change it up:

Why it’s great:

  • It makes your arms, shoulders, and tummy muscles super strong.
  • You’ll get better at balancing, knowing where your body is, and working together.
  • The two friends who start out get a really good stretch in their legs, and the friend who joins in gets their arms and shoulders super strong.

Different ways to do it:

  1. Supported “L” shape: Instead of going all the way up like a handstand, the third friend can make an “L” with their legs on the shoulders of the starting friends. This way, everyone still gets strong but it’s a bit easier to balance.
  2. Supported split: The third friend can try a cool split in the air! One leg goes up to the sky and the other out to the side, with help from the first two friends.
  3. Moving around: You all can try moving from Triple Down Dog into other shapes, like a straight line like a plank, or gently moving the third friend’s legs up and down. It’s like adding dance moves to your yoga pose!

Each of these changes adds a little twist, making it new and exciting every time you try. Plus, it’s a great way to see how strong and flexible you’re becoming together!

Three Person Plank

The Three-Person Plank is like a teamwork challenge where you and two friends work together to hold a strong, straight shape like a board, but you make a triangle on the ground. It’s like being superheroes who balance and hold up each other!

Here’s how you do it:

  1. Start just like you’re going to do a push-up, but instead of going down, hold yourself up on your forearms and toes. Make sure your body is as straight as a pencil.
  2. Now, your two friends join in, doing the same thing, so that all three of you form a triangle shape with your bodies. Each of you should be facing the center of the triangle.
  3. Keep your belly muscles tight and push through your arms and toes so you all stay up and balanced.
  4. Try to keep this up for a few breaths, then relax and sit down to take a break.

Why it’s cool:

  • It makes your belly muscles, arms, and legs super strong.
  • It helps you get better at balancing and working together.
  • It’s great for learning how to talk and plan with your friends to achieve something.

Different ways to play with it:

  1. Elevated Three-Person Plank: One friend lifts their feet up onto something like a yoga block, making it a bit harder and working the muscles even more.
  2. Three-Person Side Plank: Instead of facing down, you all turn to the side, making a triangle while holding up on one arm. This is great for the side of your belly and your arms.
  3. Three-Person Chaturanga: This one is like hovering in the air a tiny bit above the ground, like a super low push-up. It’s a tough one but really good for your arms and belly.

These variations make the Three-Person Plank even more fun and challenging, like a game where you see how strong and balanced you can be together!

Pyramid-Shaped Triple Downward Dog

The Pyramid-Shaped Triple Downward Dog is like building a human pyramid, but in a yoga way! It’s a pose where you and two friends work together to make a shape that looks like a pyramid. One friend is the bottom of the pyramid, and the other two are the top, with their feet on the bottom friend’s back.

Why it’s awesome:

  • It makes your arms, shoulders, and belly muscles really strong.
  • Helps everyone stay balanced and steady.
  • It stretches your legs and back, making them feel really good.
  • You have to talk and work together, which is fun and helps you get better at planning as a team.

Cool ways to change it up:

  1. Three-Legged Trick: While making the pyramid, one of you can try lifting one leg up into the air. It’s a bit like playing Twister and makes you balance even more.
  2. Breathing Together: Everyone tries to breathe in and out at the same time. It’s like being in a band, but with breathing. It makes you feel more connected and calm.
  3. Moving Around: Once you’re all steady, you can try gently moving your hips or wiggling a little. It’s like adding dance moves to your pyramid pose and makes the stretch feel even better.

These changes add some extra fun and challenge, like adding secret levels to a game, making the Pyramid-Shaped Triple Downward Dog even cooler!

How to Safely End a 3 Person Yoga Session?

Concluding a 3 Person Yoga session safely involves gradual cool-down activities, expressing gratitude to the partners, and ensuring open communication to reflect on the practice and address any physical or emotional concerns that may have arisen during the session.

After completing the physical activities, the partners can sit together to reflect on the session’s highlights and share any feelings or sensations they experienced. This open exchange encourages trust and empathy, fostering a supportive environment.

Gentle stretches and deep breathing exercises can help relax the muscles and promote a sense of calmness, allowing the body and mind to gradually transition to a state of rest.

If you are looking for 4-person yoga, click here.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some basic 3 person yoga poses for beginners?

Some basic 3 person yoga poses for beginners include Triangle Forward Bend, Double Downward Facing Dog, and Seated Forward Bend.

What are the benefits of practicing 3 person yoga poses?

Practicing 3 person yoga poses can improve communication, deepen stretches, and build trust among partners.

Can people of any age and fitness level practice 3 person yoga poses?

Yes, people of any age and fitness level can practice 3 person yoga poses. However, it is important to listen to your body and modify poses if needed.

How do I choose the right partners for practicing 3 person yoga poses?

It is important to choose partners who are willing to communicate, have similar fitness levels, and are willing to respect each other’s boundaries.

What are some safety tips for practicing 3 person yoga poses?

Some safety tips for practicing 3 person yoga poses include communicating clearly with partners, warming up before attempting poses, and being mindful of each other’s limits.

Can 3 person yoga poses be modified for larger groups?

Yes, 3 person yoga poses can be modified for larger groups by adding more partners and adjusting the poses accordingly. It is important to ensure that all partners are comfortable and safe while practicing.

Explore Beginner-Friendly 3-Person Yoga Poses (2024)


What is the easiest form of yoga for beginners? ›

Hatha yoga is always recommended for beginner yogis as it's considered a gentler form of yoga. It is, traditionally, a slower-moving class where you hold each pose for a few breaths while maintaining a focus on improving posture.

What is the rule of three in yoga? ›

It is often said that things come or happen in threes. We say 'third time lucky' and 'three times is a curse'. The 'Rule of Three' is a well known theory that things that happen in threes are usually more effective, more dramatic, or even funnier.

What's the first thing a beginner in yoga should know? ›

Start with postures, or yoga asanas, such as downward-facing dog, child's pose, and savasana. In each pose, focus on pressing your hands or feet into the floor, lengthening your spine, and relaxing your hips.

What is the best yoga for absolute beginners? ›

Hatha yoga will give the new yoga student a good understanding of the basics of yoga,” she says. Those basics include pranayama (breathing), meditation and asana (yoga poses).

How many minutes of yoga should a beginner do? ›

A 20-minute yoga routine can easily be incorporated into your daily schedule and can be as effective as longer sessions—especially if done with focus and intention. Listen to your body and try out different types of practices for these short sessions.

Where should I start yoga for beginners? ›

You can learn by taking beginner classes at yoga studios. Additionally, you can start by practicing at home, studying online, reading books, or finding free or donation-based community classes. Beginner classes are a great way to try various styles of yoga and discover which one you like best.

What is the simplest form of yoga? ›

Hatha yoga is a gentle form of yoga that can be a good place for beginners to start. It combines static poses with breathing to help promote relaxation and stress relief.

Is there a free beginners yoga app? ›

One of the best free yoga apps for beginners, Yogom offers over 2 hours of yoga. It isn't the most advanced app on the list, but simple functionality can sometimes be a bonus.

What is the golden rule in yoga? ›

The golden rule means this: Do unto others as you would have done unto you. In other words: Treat others the way you want to be treated.

When to avoid yoga? ›

Don't perform yoga immediately after meals. Wait until 2 to 3 hours after a large meal. Don't shower or drink water or eat food for 30 minutes after doing yoga. During illness, surgeries, or any sprains or fractures, one should refrain from Yoga Practice.

What are the 3 A's of yoga? ›

Anusara Yoga

Founded by John Friend, the practice of anusara is broadly categorized into three parts, known as the Three A's. They include attitude, alignment and action.

Which yoga pose to do first? ›

5 Yoga Poses Perfect for Beginners
  1. Mountain Pose.
  2. Forward Fold.
  3. Plank Pose.
  4. Downward Dog.
  5. Child's Pose.

What is the easy pose in yoga called? ›

Sukhasana, also referred to as easy pose, is a yoga asana performed in a seated position. Easy pose aids in opening the hips and aligning the spine, and its simplicity makes it suitable for yogis of all skill levels, including beginners.


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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.